Fill It Up

The Fill It Up Service offered by The Wig Station is a great solution for those experiencing bald or thinning spots in their wigs or toppers. Despite the best care, wigs and toppers tend to lose hair over time due to shedding, loosened knots, and disintegrated stitching. The Wig Station understand these issues and will work with you to determine the best solution to fill up your piece with more hair.

The Fill It Up Service not only improves the appearance of your wig or topper but also increases its longevity. By adding more hair to the existing piece, you can save money on replacing it due to wear and tear. With the Fill It Up Service from The Wig Station, you can enjoy a fuller, more natural-looking wig or topper and continue
to enjoy it for years to come.

Many times, our patch service requires a fill in to help create a seamless repair. If you have a rip or tear, check out our Repair services. Front Lace Extensions with a fill are offered if you have trimmed your lace back too far.

Please note: We do not offer fill in services on Monofilament bases.

The service cost covers the labor cost of ventilating or sewing in wefts, while hair and color matching services are billed separately. Knot bleaching is not offered. The knots are single and smaller than the original knots. 


Ventilating is hand tying hair into the the foundation

  • $85+ per square inch

  • $75+ per square inch.


Ventilating is hand tying hair into the the foundation

  • $15 per half length

  • $25 per full length

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